Friday, June 29, 2007

Best Buds

Jackson's bestest friend is a happy guy Jack who is about a month older than him. We get together a lot with Jack and his Mom Shauna and always have a blast. It really makes me happy that Jackson will have a little friend that he'll grow up with. Jack came over last week and since both boys LOVE to climb into the dump truck we thought it would be fun for them both to be in it together. Cute photo op! Doesn't Jackson look like a giant!!?? LOL

Mommies New Hair

Since Jackson made it VERY clear that he doesn't enjoy waiting for an hour while I shower and blow dry my hair I decided I needed a new cut that wouldn't take me as long. So I got it cut tonight and just love it! I snapped this pic myself but I'll have Mark take some better pics tomorrow. :)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Yeah for words!

Jackson's vocabulary has really been increasing over the past month, which is just wonderful for his super worry wart Mother who was convinced the poor child would never speak. :) He started with the popular Dada and Mama, followed very closely by ball (one of Jackson's very favoritest things in the whole wide world!). Now we also get to hear cat, pup (puppy), bawoon (balloon), car, ruck (truck), ma (bunny...umm yeah no clue what that is all about), cacker (cracker), issss (fish), side (outside), nana (banana), down and I think I might be forgetting a few more. It's so much fun to watch him learn new words.

Molars are the devil's teeth!!!

Poor Jackson got all 4 of his molars in at the same time!! He was completely beside himself a few weeks ago and I was flipping out because I couldn't figure out what was going on. I happened to catch a glimpse into the back of his mouth and spotted a tiny speck of white. After getting a good feel around his mouth with my finger (which almost came back a bloody nub I might add) I could feel all 4 molars starting to barley poke through. I thought Jackson's first battles with new teeth were bad..HA! Absolutely nothing compared to how awful it was for everyone involved when these bad boys came in. You can see one of his new molars in this pic. And now one of his canine teeth (the pointy ones) is starting to poke through. I will be one happy Momma when all this teething business is done!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hair, Hair Glorious Hair!

Jackson's hair grows like crazy! I wish my hair grew at a fraction of the speed that his does. Of course if we had a girl she'd be totally bald. Jackson's first experience at the hair salon when he was about 9 months old was great! No problems. His second experience...ummm not so good. He completely flipped out and we left without a haircut. So we've been cutting his hair at home since. Poppa cuts his own hair so at least one of us knows what the are doing. Poppa gave him a hair cut last night when I took Cadbury to agility class and he did such a good job! Jackson looks like such a little man. :) I can't believe Poppa was able to to make him look so cute when he's such a wiggly bug.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Smoothie and a Shower...Rain Shower that is!

Jackson was playing outside on the deck this afternoon and it started to pour outside. We are talking hurricane rain here. I expected Jackson to freak out and he just stood there with a HUGE smile on his face laughing. I could NOT get him back into the house. I got soaked just trying to lure him back in. :) I wanted to grab the camera and get a pic of him totally drenched but I didn't want him running around the kitchen drenched. I dried him off a bit and then got the camera. He was also enjoying his latest obsession...a banana-strawberry smoothie. What a silly boy!

Friday, June 15, 2007

I'm a Bunny???

Hmmmm....You see Jackson LOOOVES bunnies. If we see a bunny anywhere...the yard, the pet store, the TV, books, etc he goes crazy and squeals with delight. OK that's not strange but what is strange is that Jackson calls bunnies "Ma's". AND he calls me Ma too! Ummm I don't think that I have excessively big ears or front teeth. I'm hoping its because he thinks we are both cute. :)

Such a Nice Birthday!

I had a wonderful birthday today. Jackson was in a great mood all day which was the best gift I could have received. :) He also just starting giving "real" hugs and gave me quite a few today. It's just melts my heart.

I received some beautiful birthday cards today in the mail which brought many smiles to my face. I also got to do some scrapbooking at Archivers which is allllways fun.

All in all a wonderful 31st birthday!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Too Quiet

Like most toddlers, you know your in trouble when it suddenly becomes too quiet. The other night Jackson was playing in the kitchen and suddenly it became very quiet except for this odd rustling sound. I peeked my head in and found someone having a great time with the garbage bags.

Boy: A noise with dirt on it.

I saw this definition on some boy themed scrapbook stuff I bought and though it was SO cute. And how perfect that I happened to catch the perfect picture of Jackson to illustrate it.

Grammy Karen got us some beautiful flowers for the deck and Jackson thinks that dirt in flower pots is like baby crack. Mmmmm dirt!

Our First Blog

I thought it might be a good idea to start a blog to share with our families since we all live so far away from each other. And since I continue to have post baby brain, I will be able to write things down and actually remember them.

Of course this blog will be primarily about Jackson but I'm sure there will be other interesting tidbits that I'll include as they happen.

So I hope everyone enjoys our first foray into 'blogging'!