Wednesday, August 29, 2007


This boy LOOOOVES blueberries and will devour mass quantities in a very short time. Whenever he's eating them he says "bluebewwywherywhery..." in an almost sing song voice. It totally cracks me up. I think it is his own blueberry song. :)

I loooove my Poppa.

I snapped this picture of Jackson and Marky yesterday morning before Marky left for work. As soon as Jackson realized he was leaving he wanted Poppa to pick him up. He gave Marky such a HUGE hug. It was completely adorable. :) After Marky leaves for work Jackson will walk around saying "Poppa, Poppa??" all over the house. He sure does love his Poppa.

Sweep, sweep, sweep all day long!

I have a little helper around the house now! Jackson love to follow me around with the Swiffer or the broom. I'm looking for a little broom his size since the regular sized broom is a bit unwieldy for him. I wish I loved sweeping half as much as he does! :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Trying to keep up with new words.

Jackson in continuing with his new word explosion and I'm trying hard to keep up and remember them all. To go along with his new obsession (cars and trucks) Jackson will squeal "car" "cruck" nearly every single time we see one or even hear one. He also starting saying "cool car" and "cool cruck" all the time. I think I say "cool" a little too much and he's following my lead. LOL

I think due in large part to his love of sharing (handing you thing over and over and over) he now says "tank eww" (thank you). He says it in this adorable tiny voice and it just melts me. He also tries his best to say please when asked but it sounds more like "plthese". :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Fun at the Fair...also known as on fire at the Fair!

We live in of pigs and corn aplenty so it makes sense that the State Fair in all its agricultural glory is a pretty big deal around here. We are talking a HUGE deal. You are pretty much considered a leper if you don't go (ok maybe not a leper but a loser for sure). Now with a fair based primarily on food and animals you don't have to twist my arm too hard. And since Jackson has an obsession with bunnies and recently with cows as well I knew he'd love it.

So we all headed to the fair on Thursday afternoon which was the first day it was not 90+ degrees with over 100 degree heat indexes. Even though it was only 80 degrees the humidity was still high and the sun was hot. Within a few minutes we were all sweating and poor Poppa was really sweating bless his heart. We ate some food on a stick (pork chop and chicken) and had a yummy funnel cake. I enjoyed 2 shaken lemonades which were YUMMY! We saw some adorable farm animals which Jackson just LOVED although I wish we could have had more hands on experience with them. We also saw Barack Obama at the fair (kinda weird I know).

Here are a few pics of Jackson in awe of the farm animal babies, eating a funnel cake and posing as a farmer. :)
P.S. We used the monkey backpack/harness and it worked GREAT!

Jackson has a monkey on his back.

Like I've mentioned before Jackson has a thing for running. Jackson + wide open spaces roughly equates to instant chaos as Momma or Poppa runs as fast as humanly possible in a desperate hope to catch Jackson. I had heard other Momma's recommend the infamous kid-leash and figured something that could keep Jackson safe couldn't be all that bad. I saw this adorable kid harness/backpack at Walmart and thought we'd give it a shot. I though that Jackson would HATE something strapped onto him but surprise, surprise he LOVED it. In fact he loved it so much that he wouldn't let me take it off. And I must admit it looks so dang cute too. We haven't given it a genuine test run yet but I'll let you all know how it goes.

Near.....and far!

We started teaching Jackson how to go up and down the stair a while ago but now he LOVES to do it just for fun. Up, down, up, down. These pictures reminded me of the bit they do on Sesame Street about near and far.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Run here, run there, run everywhere!

Jackson loooves to run. Actually I should say he lives to run. If he is moving chances are good that he's running. This is making picture taking a bit more tricky these days. As soon as I get the camera and try to get him to pose he off like shot! I suppose I could look at the bright side and say it's a good workout for me. :) Here is a picture of Jackson in mid sprint.

Jackson want a cracker?!

Jackson is becoming such a parrot now trying to mimic everything we say. It just makes us laugh to hear him try to repeat things we say. It's so stinkin' cute. We were at the park that is loaded with squirrels, which of course Jackson loved, and he would point and say "qur-rel". He told Hexi to "be nice" yesterday after Marky did. Oh and Mark's very favorite...Jackson very clearly said "boobie" after I said it when Cadbury launched of my chest to attack a dog on the TV. Yeah greeeat. ;)


Marky had his wonderful sister Jeni create this beautiful piece of art for our Anniversary. It is one of my favorite pictures of Jackson and Brooke worked her magic to transform it into masterpiece! I cannot wait to get it framed and hang it above our mantle. Thank you Auntie Jeni!!!!! We just LOVE it!

Fun At The Pool!

We are so very lucky to live in a community that has amazing community pools! Jackson has been to our local pool three times now and on our last visit really started to enjoy it. We also started a WaterBabies swim class at the YMCA which he just loves. I'm sure that by next summer we'll be living at the pool.

Our very good friend Shannon took these pics of Jackson at the pool. I just love the picture of his
squinty smile. The picture of him with his back to camera is actually the VERY first time Jackson went into the pool himself. I was just thrilled. Usually I have to carry him in and set him down the water. He also accidentally dunked himself in the shallow water for the first time and didn't totally wig out like I thought he would. Like Dora the fish says "Just keep swimming".