Oh goodness my heart just melted the other day when I handed Jackson his sippy cup and he said "tank ew Momma" (thank you Momma). It was SO cute...I so wished I would have had the video camera running. He is very much into giving you things, giving anyone things like his cars, toys, dirt, weeds, rocks, wood chips etc etc and we say "thank you" when he shares so nicely. He also says "Ohhhh Momma, Ohhhh Poppa, Ohhhhh Hexi" and it just totally cracks us up. He says it in this tiny little voice just as happy as can be. As difficult as this age can be I am completely loving this part!
New Words/Phrases:-cool car-cool truck-thank you -bless you-crayons-Finnegan (Finnegineginegin LOL)-Hexi-phone-pants-Mickey Mouse (me-mouse)-circle-cute (usually said along with puppy)