Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Scared ya didn't I???? :)

Happy Halloween!!!!

I cannot believe it's Halloween already! Here in Iowa they do trick or treating the night before Halloween (I know weird) so we took Jackson to a few houses last night and he LOVE it. He carried his little pumpkin bucket to each door and said "too- tea". LOL

And even though I was completely devastated that he destroyed the Mickey Mouse costume I made him everyone seemed to love the penguin costume I found at Jo-Ann's.

Here is a pic of our little penguin from this weekend.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Foo-Foo Face!

I'm such a BAD dog Mom. I've been really bad about taking pics of my furbabies. I am vowing to make a change! More furry pics!!! This is my new favorite picture of Finnegan.

More pics from the patch!

Got my pics from the pumpkin patch developed and amazingly enough there were a couple of cute pics of action Jackson. He was much more impressed with the animals than the pumpkins. Hmmm I wonder who he takes after??? ;)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Driving truck is hard work!

A few MORE pics of Jackson with his beloved trucks. He looks so grown up! Where is my baby?? I love it when he lays down on the floor and plays like this. It's too cute.

Farmer Jackson

We took Jackson to the pumpkin patch this past weekend and he had a blast! It was unseasonably warm so the place was packed like a dance club but Jackson didn't seem to mind. I took loads of pics with my other camera too so I'll post more when I get them developed. It is getting harder and harder to get ANY pics of Jackson that aren't a blur or showcase only the back of his head. This pic is one of the only good ones with Jackson trying out a tractor. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Heart Bugs

BUBS, BUBS!! (translation bugs, bugs)
Jackson is in awe of bugs. He will literally chase a fly around the house for what seems like hours. And if he can get close enough to get a good look (like in this pic) he is just pleased as punch. He actually laid on the ground to get a closer look of this bug. It's all fun and games til the bug gets squished....and he brings it to me bug guts and all. Eww

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ohhhh the cuddles!

Jackson has been getting very cuddly lately and I am SO loving it. He will wrap his arms around your neck or head and squeeze soooo tight. It just completely melts me. He will also just randomly walk up and kiss you on your leg, and one of his favorite spots...your bum. LOL Just today when I got him up from his nap he gave me this giant hug and said "ohhhh Momma" with a slight giggle. He will also sometimes put his hands on your cheeks when he kisses you. I can barely stand the cuteness!

He has also added to his vocab a ton this past week. New words and phrases:
-All gone
-Einsteins - hehe from the Little Einsteins show
-Sweet -which sounds like sh@t LOL
-Cow- he used to just say "Moooo" whenever seeing a cow

Do you think he's pleased with his new truck?? (Which I got on a super clearance at Target.)

Jackson had a great time with Grammy Cola (or Mimi and he calls her) in Utah. He LOVED her beautiful yard complete with a hammock, a rock water fountain, and ceramic animal statues! Great place for toddler discovery. I tried so hard to get some good pics but Jackson is always in constant motion!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hogge For President 2036!

Ok not really but I could not resist taking a pic of Jackson in this oval office setup that they had at the Children's Treehouse Museum in Utah. I really wanted him to pose and smile but that is a little too much to ask of a wiggly 18 month old. ;) Come to think of it Jackson would probably do better as Prez now that our current Prez. :P

Cooool Car!

"Coooool Car"...."Coooool Cruck"....Jackson says these variations of the same theme about a billion times a day. He is hopelessly addicted to cars and trucks. When we went to Utah to visit family his Grammy (Mimi) was so sweet and bought him some really cool cars to play with at her house. As you can see from the photos they were a big hit!