Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I {heart} cars...

If I was able to see what Jackson dreamt about at night I would be willing to bet the central theme would be CARS or TRUCKS. He is utterly obsessed with cars, truck, tractors..you get the point. The floor of our house is covered in approximately 2 inches of match box cars. And any parent of a car obsesses tot can tell you how much it hurts to step on one of those suckers with bare feet. Here is a pic of Jackson adoring his true love.

A Boy and his Poppa

Jackson simply adores Mark and watching the two of them together just makes me smile. Jackson is so lucky to have a Poppa that is so very hands on. When the two of them wrestle around the infectious laughter fills the house and no matter where I am I can help but start to laugh too. Here are a few pics of Jackson and Mark in a tickle session. I still have vivid images of my Dad being the "tickle crab" and making me laugh until I cried. It such a treat to see these two doing the same thing now.

2.4 million photos later....

WOW I had NO idea that taking a photo of Jackson for our Christmas card would prove to be more difficult to attain than world peace! I honestly took a million pics and only had a few turn out even remotely usable. And it wasn't like I was trying to get a pic of Jackson standing on his head doing algebra or something...I just wanted a pic of him wearing a Santa hat for pete's sake. So here are a few of the millions I took. :) Hope they put you in the holiday spirit!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I'm So GQ

I bought his completely adorable outfit for Jackson last year on super clearance at Kohl's. The little cord blazer just kills me. He was waggin' in finger and saying "no, no Hexi" in the pictures because she was barking out the window. :)

No Love for the Turkey

Jackson says "Yes I eat cheese on Thanksgiving!".

We were lucky enough to spend Turkey Day with Grammy Karen and Al this year. We had a nice quiet day with loads of food to gorge on and a dog show on TV! (what could be better??) Jackson woke up from his nap just before we were set to eat so he really wasn't very hungry. He is also going through a super picky eater phase which makes me want to pull all my hair out. I tried to offer him the delicious turkey, mashed potatoes and a roll. He wouldn't eat a bite of any of it. (rolls eyes). So we had to give him the ol standby...cheese. Ahhh the power of cheese.