Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An Egg-cellant Easter

I found these really fun HUGE plastic eggs that had matchbox cars in them at Target and I knew they would be perfect for Jackson for Easter. We hid them around the house, in fairly obvious places, and told him to look for eggs because they would have a surprise in them. After he found the first one and found a car inside he was allllll over this fun game. He would get SO excited when he would see a new egg and would squeal "another one, another one!". Every day since Sunday he's asked me "more eggs Momma???". Hehe

Monday, March 24, 2008

Birthday Pics

We had a small birthday party for Jackson on Saturday the 22nd since his actual birthday was on Easter this year. We did a Hot Wheels theme which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that knows Jackson. :) I was even able to find a Hot Wheels ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. Yummmmy! Jackson doesn't really get into cake but is alllll about the ice cream. Jackson was ECSTATIC with his new matchbox cars, mega-blocks and awesome art easel. It was SO cute to see him literally flip out over a few new matchbox cars. A great time was had by all!

"Ohhhhh Caaaarrrrrsssss!"

This is what you do when the wrapping paper won't rip.

Blowing out his candles.

My little big 2 year old!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Big Guy!

Jackson is TWO today!! I honestly cannot believe it. We had a super fun birthday party yesterday and Jackson was in Hot Wheels heaven. LOL I'll post some pics tomorrow.

Happy 2nd Birthday my little big boy!

We love you!