Monday, January 12, 2009

Where did THAT come from??

Toddlers are known for saying totally random strange things and Jackson is no different. We've been on our potty training journey for a little while now and I got Jackson some cute underwear with cars on them thinking he'd LOVE them. So I show him the underwear and ask him he he wants to try them. He tells me with a completely serious look on his face, "Mumma if I wear those the kids will talk about me". I tried not to laugh and loud and said "Um...ok". Where did he get that from!!!!!??

This also made me laugh. Grammy Karen often tells Jackson teasingly "You're kiiiiiiiilllling your Grammy" when he is running and jumping and just being his normal crazy shelf. So the other day I'm tickling Jackson and he tells me "Mumma you're kiiiilllllling me!!!

The Next "Tool-Man"??

Jackson got a fun Black and Decker tool set from Santa for Christmas and he loves to help "fix" things all around the house now. Now he prefers to be naked (also potty training related) while he works so he may not be that professional. When Al comes to visit he is always working on our house and Jackson LOVES to help him. Maybe he gets some of the handy-man love from his Grandpa Jack.

Well that was fun!

Sheesh get a little virus on your computer and your whole world comes crashing down! Ok not really but what a BIG mess that was. Thank goodness I had just backed up all my pics onto discs a few weeks ago!! So I am really late getting my holiday pics up.

In fun and exciting toddler news Jackson is almost potty trained!!! Wee-hooo! I was one of those people that never understood why parent's got so freakin' excited when their kids starting using the potty but now I am one of them. :)

Jackson and I had a blast putting together a gingerbread house a few days after Christmas. I think he might have eaten more candy than he decorated with but he was so excited about it. He asked to make a "gingggerbed" house everday after we made the first house. I was lucky enough to find another gingerbread house and a gingerbread TRAIN 75% off for next year.