Monday, February 8, 2010

Fun with Show and Tell

Falkor was lucky enough to go to Jackson's preschool on Wednesday for a "show and tell" of sorts to celebrate Pet Week. Jackson was simply beyond excited about bringing his dog to meet all his friends and teachers. Jackson talked about it non stop for days before Falkor was actually going to visit his class.

When we arrived in the classroom Jackson got to walk us in and introduce Falkor to everyone. The kids were wowed by Falkor's size and they were all very eager to meet him. There was one little girl there that isn't enrolled in Jackson's class (I think her parents were checking out the class) that instantly fell in love with Falkor and she was stuck to him like glue the entire time. It was so stinkin' cute. The kids were wonderful and were all great about taking turns and asking questions about Falkor. Jackson was very proud and was excited about answering questions about "his" dog.

Falkor was a rockstar! He was excited to be around so many little ones but he stood perfectly still to let all the kiddos pet him and he didn't try to drown anyone with Dane kisses. ;) Jackson told me that night at dinner that he was proud of Falkor for being such a good dog at school.

I am so thrilled that my best friend Shannon volunteered to come along so she could take some pics for us!! Thank you Shannon!

Monday, February 1, 2010

School Friends

Jackson has become good buddies with some of his lil school mates this year and it's just too cute. One of his best buds is Austin and from what I understand (from his teachers) Jackson and Austin have a love/hate relationship. One minute they are inseparable with this arms wrapped around one another, and the next minute they aren't talking and threatening to not sit next to each other during circle time. But like most boys all is forgotten the next time they see each other and they are best buds again.

Jackson is also good friends with most of the adorable lil girls in the class. Alyssa (who is calls Miss Alyssa) loves to run as much as Jackson does and in his eyes that is THE COOLEST THING EVER! They usually run together for a few minutes before class starts each day. Ragan is a sweetheart that likes to walk out to the cars with Jackson after school and misses him when he is not there. (How cute is that?!!) He also talks about Sophie, Elizabeth, and Ba-chinzee (Mackenzie) allll the time. I love hearing his stories about his friends at school!

All You Need Is...

I made a scrappy project for Grammy Cola and used these photos where Jackson spelled out "Love" with his hands. It was quite a challenge to get him to hold his fingers in the correct position and smile for the camera. But I LOVE the photos. :)