Monday, July 2, 2007

15 Month Appointment Finally!

Jackson finally had his 15 month Dr.'s appointment even though he turned 15 months on the 23rd. He is now 32.5inches tall and near 27 lbs! He is not in the 90% anymore but he's still on the big side. I get comments all the time from people when we are out and about thinking he's a 3 year old. :) Of course he flipped out when he touched the paper on the table and when he got his 2 shots but he was happy to just walk around the exam room before his shots. It was so cute because he was handing stuff to his Dr. even though he was afraid of him. And Jackson won't fall for the "here play with my stethoscope" trickery. He knows the Dr. is up to no good. LOL

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