Monday, November 5, 2007

Giggles at the zoo

Jackson also LOVES to play his version of "red light, green light" but he says bop (stop) and go. He always busts out laughing when you stop after he does. And he'll play this game for what seems like forever!

On Sunday Jackson and I headed to our local zoo to take advantage of our beautiful weather. We got there soon after it opened and it was nearly deserted! We had a great time checking out all the animals, had a close encounter with a free ranging emu and were lucky enough to hear a monkey symphony. So in other words a perfect day for two animal nuts. :)

Our little zoo has a wonderful petting zoo and Jackson completely LOVES the goats. He squeals with delight when the goats nibble on his fingers and will go from goat to goat to get nibbles. LOL Here are a few pics I snapped of him after getting said nibbles.

And we have had heard many new words recently!

-cractor (tractor-new obsession)
-I wub you (will repeat it when you say it to him)
-pider (spider)
-ghoss (ghost) and will say ooooooo when you ask him what ghost says
-pupkin (pumpkin)
-pissa (pizza)
-settle (as told to the dogs)
-hole cow (holy cow)
-get nice (said to the dogs before they take a treat)

He has also started saying Hi and bub-bye to strangers...which he NEVER did before. It's really cute. :)

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