Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sneaky Hexi

Hexi snuck a quick kiss on the back of Jackson's neck and I just happened to be sitting there with the camera. Love the look on Jackson's face.

Cars and Lemons

As we all know Jackson loooooves cars. And I mean REALLY loves cars. His Poppa surprised him with a few new matchbox cars after he went to the grocery store and Jackson was beyond thrilled. The look on his face was so dang cute.

Mark likes lemon in his pop and Jackson saw a piece of lemon on the counter and begged to have it. So of course I grabbed the camera and it was well worth it.

Just like Poppa!

I caught Jackson biting his nails the other day! I have NEVER seen him do that before. And anyone that has seen Mark's nails knows why I'm worried. :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

"i gackson!"

Mark was working with Jackson to say his name this weekend and now if you ask him his name he points to his chest and says "Iiiiiiii Gackson!!!!!". It is a riot. He always keeps us in stitches. Mark also taught him to be a pirate. If you ask him "what does a pirate say?" he says "arrrrrgggghhh" and puts his fist in the air. Hehe We've been working hard on our colors and counting. I think he knows most of his colors but anytime you ask him what color something is he says red...for EVERYTHING. LOL He can pick out colors if you ask him though. He can count to ten but loves to skip from 3 t0 8 until you remind him of 4. He's growing up so fast!

Cabin Fever

Poor Jackson is just dying to get outside and I totally feel his pain. I am beyond ready for spring to get here. We both miss going to the park and taking the puppers for walks. I snapped a few pics of Jackson looking longing out the window. Sighhhh

Wednesday, January 16, 2008's whats for breakfast?

Jackson is totally a cheese hound. And it is probably a good thing since he's not a good eater. At least I can get protein into him with cheese. We were going to the zoo a few weeks ago and we drove past a farm with a ton of horses. Jackson is obsessed with all animals (like his Momma) and starts pleading "See horsies? See horsies pleeeease?" as we are driving by. I tell him we are on the way to the zoo, but he really wants to see the horses so I tell him they are eating their breakfast right now. Jackson says "Yup...horsies eating...horsies eating cheese". I guess even horses like cheese. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Frosted Finnegan

Uh-oh is it genetic????

Jackson's computer obsession is starting to become quite noticeable. :)

Singing with hand motions

Jackson is really into singing kids songs that have hand motions like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Thumbkin, etc. Well I do the singing but he likes to do the hand motions. Here he is while I am singing the
5 Little Monkeys song.

Jackson's first time sledding!

I could NOT find a toddler friendly sled last year so when I saw one at Target this year I scooped it up. We've had quite a bit of snow this year already and I was excited to see what Jackon would think of sledding. He LOOOVED it. Whenever we would stop pulling he would say "more, more sled...more, more sled". I need to rig up Finnegan's pull harness so he can pull Jackson around the yard.

A Wonderful Christmas!

We had a wonderful, quiet Christmas with Al and my Mom. Jackson woke up with his nose running like a faucet but still had a great day. He loved opening all his presents and wanted us to take them out of the box and put them together after he opened each one. (note to self: pre-assemble allll toys next year) He was in car and truck heaven and totally fell in love with is very own vacuum.