Sunday, January 27, 2008

"i gackson!"

Mark was working with Jackson to say his name this weekend and now if you ask him his name he points to his chest and says "Iiiiiiii Gackson!!!!!". It is a riot. He always keeps us in stitches. Mark also taught him to be a pirate. If you ask him "what does a pirate say?" he says "arrrrrgggghhh" and puts his fist in the air. Hehe We've been working hard on our colors and counting. I think he knows most of his colors but anytime you ask him what color something is he says red...for EVERYTHING. LOL He can pick out colors if you ask him though. He can count to ten but loves to skip from 3 t0 8 until you remind him of 4. He's growing up so fast!

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