Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jackson's Identity Crisis...Part 2

I am actually surprised that it has taken nearly two years for this to happen but I walked into the kitchen yesterday and saw this....

And when I asked "ummmm...Jackson what are you doing" as I was laughing out loud I saw this....and he said "Mmmmm gooooood water!". LOL

Saturday, February 23, 2008

You can't make the moon appear??

Last week when we had the lunar eclipse it was a beautiful clear sky and the moon was HUGE. Jackson points the moon out whenever we are in the car and you can see it. He was quite excited that it was so big and kept saying "Ohhhh biggggg moon!!!!". As we turned onto our street the moon was hidden behind some houses and Jackson exclaimed "MORE moon, MORE moon!!!". He was quite upset that I couldn't make the moon appear again. He also gets upset when I can't make random buses and tractors appear while we are driving. Sorry hun, Momma can't do everything!

Important Telephone Conversations

Jackson loves to play with phones...home phone, cell phone, random phones...any phone really. Well except for toy phones...he totally knows they are fake and can't be bothered with them. He loves to play with my cell phone and take pics with the camera phone. He loves to chat with Grammy and tell her about his cars, "". Recently he started having a short conversation when no one is on the other line. It goes something like this "Hellooo? Ohhhh yes...firetruck...bub-bye". And he repeats it word for word in the same tone each time he does it. Mark and I get a huge kick out of it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jackson's Early Birthday Gifts

**Warning to those that are afraid of rats...look away now :)**

And for those that link rats are completely ADORABLE check out pics of Jackson's early birthday gifts. Ok so they aren't officially his birthday gifts but it's a good excuse right?? And in my defense Jackson is obsessed with animals of all kinds almost as much as his Momma. (woo-hoo)
One of Jackson's very favoritest things to do is to visit the animals at the pet store and he's always loved checking out the pocket pets. A few weeks ago they were cleaning out the rat cages at Petsmart and the employee asked if Jackson wanted to pet the rats. Of course he did and his official obsession with "raps" began.

Mark and I had some wonderful pet ratties when we first got married and I've missed having them as pets. So I started looking into adding some rats to our family. I found a great rat rescue in Nebraska and the girls got here yesterday. They are just as sweet as can be and to say that Jackson is in love would be an understatement. The very first thing he said to me when he woke up this morning was "Pet the raps....hold 'em...pleeease????". He loves to have them on his lap and adores it when they give him little kisses. Their names are Onyx and Opal and Jackson can say their names pretty well except Opal sometimes sounds like Apple. :)
I'm sure there will be many Jackson ratty adventures ahead!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ohhh he is SO two!

It is becoming painfully obvious that Jackson is so close to two years old now. And its not just the gray hairs that I cover with Nice 'N Easy that made me aware of this. He is starting to really test us now. He will do something he knows he shouldn't and look right at us to see what we plan to do about it. Before we could just say "Jackson don't do "....yeah now he just smiles and continues to do it. And it's "that" smile...the one that says "go ahead Mom give me all you got!". It's a dang good thing he's so cute!

He has also started trying to stall for naps and bedtime. He likes to pick up his zillion matchbox cars before his nap and he'll keep finding cars allll over that need to be put away. After I think he's finally got the last one he'll say "ohhh one more, over dare!". And he also wants "more, more kisses" after you lay him down in his crib. As soon as I get to the door "more, more kisses Momma!". Yeah he's too smart for his own good.

Snow Dog

Hexi looooooves the snow. She will go flying out the door and immediately flip over on her back and roll around in the snow moaning and groaning with pleasure. It's too cute. I love it when she gets snow stuck on her nose.

Don't Eat the Yellow Snow!

Jackson started eating the snow that the dogs bring in from outside. I know ewww. As long as its not the yellow snow I'm not gonna worry about it. :) He was eating it saying "Yummmy good snow".

Boy in a Box

Jackson found the empty diaper box and instantly wanted in it. I plopped him in and he had a blast peeking out the holes in the side. Ahhhh wouldn't it be so wonderful to get so excited about a box??!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Overly Cute Overalls

These overalls are simply TOO cute. After I put them on Jackson I just wanted to take pictures all day. I snapped this pic while he was stomping around in the slushy mess on the deck.

Matching Ear Nubs

These pics were prompted by our friend Gypsy's comments on Jackson's elf ear. :) (thank you for the sweet comments Gyps!)
We actually have genetic ear nubs-yes that is the very technical medical term. ;) My Mom has one, I have one and Jackson has one. It is really funny because at Jackson's first Dr.'s visit the nurse said "Well you two are definitely related" and I just laughed because I thought she meant that we looked alike or something. And then she said "He has an ear nub just like you do!". Ok, I didn't even know I had one-yes I am very observant. And I didn't know they are hereditary, which they are. I think its kinda neat that all 3 of us have one.