Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jackson's Early Birthday Gifts

**Warning to those that are afraid of rats...look away now :)**

And for those that link rats are completely ADORABLE check out pics of Jackson's early birthday gifts. Ok so they aren't officially his birthday gifts but it's a good excuse right?? And in my defense Jackson is obsessed with animals of all kinds almost as much as his Momma. (woo-hoo)
One of Jackson's very favoritest things to do is to visit the animals at the pet store and he's always loved checking out the pocket pets. A few weeks ago they were cleaning out the rat cages at Petsmart and the employee asked if Jackson wanted to pet the rats. Of course he did and his official obsession with "raps" began.

Mark and I had some wonderful pet ratties when we first got married and I've missed having them as pets. So I started looking into adding some rats to our family. I found a great rat rescue in Nebraska and the girls got here yesterday. They are just as sweet as can be and to say that Jackson is in love would be an understatement. The very first thing he said to me when he woke up this morning was "Pet the raps....hold 'em...pleeease????". He loves to have them on his lap and adores it when they give him little kisses. Their names are Onyx and Opal and Jackson can say their names pretty well except Opal sometimes sounds like Apple. :)
I'm sure there will be many Jackson ratty adventures ahead!

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