Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An Egg-cellant Easter

I found these really fun HUGE plastic eggs that had matchbox cars in them at Target and I knew they would be perfect for Jackson for Easter. We hid them around the house, in fairly obvious places, and told him to look for eggs because they would have a surprise in them. After he found the first one and found a car inside he was allllll over this fun game. He would get SO excited when he would see a new egg and would squeal "another one, another one!". Every day since Sunday he's asked me "more eggs Momma???". Hehe


Colby Kids said...

Hey! Where ya been? Your pics are adoreable. Now how did I miss those easter eggs with cars in them. I bought plastic eggs, then matchbox cars at TARGET no less and they didn't fit! Bummer. Jackson is such a cutie pie. I especially like the 'Love my little big 2 yr. old' pic.

Joy said...

Awww he's so cute. Looks like a fantastic easter!

Anonymous said...

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Shannon said...

How did I miss your blog? We miss you on the board! Jackson is SOOO handsome. Seriously, what a sweetheart. Hope to hear from you soon!