Jackson's eye color is quite interesting. The color almost seems to change on a daily basis from sky blue... to slate blue ....to grey. He probably thinks his Mom is some kind of freak because I am always looking at his eyes from about 2 inches from his face. :) I can't help it! Does anyone know when final eye color is set??
("Momma I seeping" complete with fake snoring sounds)
I often wonder that myself and always stick my face in Emma's to look at her eyes! LOL. When does it "set"? My niece's went from bright blue, to hazel and now they are green (after puberty). Weird!
His eyes look a lot like Alyssa's. And the way you describe them sound a lot like her's too. Her pedi told me that at 9 months old you should be able to tell what color they are going to be but over time they may get lighter or darker. So strange. But yeah, gotta love those blue eyes!
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