Sunday, June 29, 2008

We visited the zoo with our good friend Shannon and while ago and had a blast! Here is Jackson checking out a "cat-er-paller". :)

We totally lucked out and got the chance to feed the giraffes this time. They are such beautiful, amazing creatures. Even with the crazy 14 inch blue tongue.

First swim of the season! We pulled out Jackson's lil pool last week when we had some hot weather. Jackson and Hexi were thrilled! :)

New Jackson-isms

Jackson says something that makes me crack up at least once a day and I've been trying to jot things down so I don't forget. They'll be good ammo for when he's a teenager. ;)

The other day when I went to get him after his nap and the first thing he says is "I LOVE dillas!!!" (what Jackson calls quesadilla). He does indeed love "dillas"but it was quite random to tell him while he was in his crib.

We are getting a new puppy in a few weeks (YIPPEEEE!) and Jackson keeps telling everyone about it and saying "I LOVE Falkor" (the new pups name).

One of his new go-to statements is "I have an idea!" and when I ask him what the idea is he'll say something about cars or trucks or animals.

I need to take some new pics this week...I've been slacking again.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sandbox Fun

We visited a local park a few days ago and Jackson died and went to heaven when he discovered someone had left some plastic trucks in the sandbox. He was just thrilled. Its so fun to see the little things that make him so very happy.
And a totally unrelated story...I went to get Jackson out of his crib when he woke up one morning last week and the first thing he says to me as I walk in is "Momma I am SO proud of have pants on!!!". I had to have him repeat it because I wasn't sure I heart him right and then I laughed til my stomach hurt. I wanted to be sure to write that down so I wouldn't forget. LOL

Pics from the Science Center

We went to the Des Moines Science Center about a week ago with our sweet friend Shannon and Jackson just LOOOVED it. They have lots of exhibits geared towards little ones. Jackson could have played with the train table and Lego car building station for a few months at least. I literally had to peel him off when we had to leave. We'll definitely be getting the yearly pass combo with the zoo next year.

Shannon was so kind as to take some pics of Jackson enjoying his visit. It is sometimes very hard for me to snap pics while trying to chase him around so I really appreciated having photo help!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Smile Jackson!

This is what Jackson does when you point the camera and tell him to "Smile!". :)

Need a Jackson fix?

Wow I have been slackin' on take pics of action Jackson. So I tried to make up for it by taking about a million pics over the past few days. Jackson continues to amaze us with how fast he is becoming a little boy. He has recently started pretending and it's too stinkin cute. We'll be playing on the bed and he'll tell me that there is snake coming! He also plays pretend with his cars...pretending to get groceries, get gas, get fries...oh opps on that last one. ;)

Jackson is just thrilled that we can be outside so much now. He adores going to the park and going for looong walks. This kid has some serious stamina! He also starting helping Mark mow the lawn by following behind him with his little mower. So sweet.

We are working on potty training and he'll usually pee on the potty at least a couple of times a day. I'm not pushing it but he seems interested so that is good.

Took some pics of him in the backyard the other day. He loves to pick dandelions for me and then smell them.