Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Jackson-isms

Jackson says something that makes me crack up at least once a day and I've been trying to jot things down so I don't forget. They'll be good ammo for when he's a teenager. ;)

The other day when I went to get him after his nap and the first thing he says is "I LOVE dillas!!!" (what Jackson calls quesadilla). He does indeed love "dillas"but it was quite random to tell him while he was in his crib.

We are getting a new puppy in a few weeks (YIPPEEEE!) and Jackson keeps telling everyone about it and saying "I LOVE Falkor" (the new pups name).

One of his new go-to statements is "I have an idea!" and when I ask him what the idea is he'll say something about cars or trucks or animals.

I need to take some new pics this week...I've been slacking again.

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