Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Where is the time going?!!!!

This summer is just whizzing past me. I cannot believe we are nearly through July already. We've had SO much rain but the temps have been bearable up until just recently so we've been to the park about a trillion times a week. Jackson could literally swing on the swings alllll day long. You'd think I'd have buff arms by now. :)

Grammy and Al were here for a week last week and Jackson was in heaven. He just adores having them here and anything they weren't within sight he's ask "Where's Grammy, Where's Al??" every 2 seconds. Jackson stayed with Grammy and Al last weekend while Mark and I drove up to MN to get our new furbaby. It was the FIRST time Mark and I have been away from Jackson at the same time overnight. It was a nice getaway for us and it was so nice for Jackson to be able to spend that special time with Grammy.

Jackson is just smitten with Falkor. We had been talking about our new puppy coming home for the past few weeks and when Jackson saw him he squealed "Momma brought Falkor home!". Jackson loves to play with Falkor and LOVES that Falkor follows him around. I am trying to get pics of them together but neither of them sits still long enough for the shutter to close on the camera.

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