Sunday, August 24, 2008

Garage Sale Treasures

Garage Sale-ing (yes that is the official term) is a bit of a family tradition. I have many memories of going to garage sales with my Mom when I was little. And I can vividly remember when we would find some amazing Barbie deal or new stuffed animal to add to the enormous collection.

Well Jackson is learning about the beauty of garage sales as well. We hit a few on Friday and we found a dump truck, a digger, and a tow truck for under $2.00! Jackson couldn't have been more excited and kept saying on the way home, "Momma I LOOOVE my new trucks, thank you SO much". Way too cute. Here is a picture of Jackson with his new treasures.
The tradition lives on!


just us said...

I ran across your blog from blog-hopping and was shocked to see that we have the same last name. OOOOH. . .maybe we're related?!?!? :o)

Colby Kids said...

Jackson is so adoreable! Hope all is well...haven't heard from you in a while.