Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Need a Jackson fix?

Wow I have been slackin' on take pics of action Jackson. So I tried to make up for it by taking about a million pics over the past few days. Jackson continues to amaze us with how fast he is becoming a little boy. He has recently started pretending and it's too stinkin cute. We'll be playing on the bed and he'll tell me that there is snake coming! He also plays pretend with his cars...pretending to get groceries, get gas, get fries...oh opps on that last one. ;)

Jackson is just thrilled that we can be outside so much now. He adores going to the park and going for looong walks. This kid has some serious stamina! He also starting helping Mark mow the lawn by following behind him with his little mower. So sweet.

We are working on potty training and he'll usually pee on the potty at least a couple of times a day. I'm not pushing it but he seems interested so that is good.

Took some pics of him in the backyard the other day. He loves to pick dandelions for me and then smell them.


Candi said...

He's such a handsome boy! Love the new pics!

Unknown said...

Hi guys! Thanks for the new picture updates! How is everyone? Happy, Happy Birthday Jen!
Love ya guys!
Auntie Danielle